Archive for April 2011
An Awe Inspiring Game of Solutions. Right up our alley I figure.
A gamer/ world saver / teachers wildest dream come true.
Read MoreA Seeker turns to a Finder
“Well, it is good to be a seeker. But sooner or later you need to become a finder. And when you do, you must share what you have found with the world. I have sought long and hard, far and near, high and low, to discover that which I am. And the search may continue…
Read MoreOne Description of ILLUMIKNIGHT
Illumiknight Statement ( oldest draft) Illuminkinght is a collective of dedicated people who are combining their energy, knowledge, labor, time, resources, and most of all, love, in the interest of presenting concepts, products, and experiences to the public. These concepts, products, and experiences will take many diverse forms; but all of our presentations are specifically…
Read MoreQuotes Ser AUSSIN Resembles
“I am not suited to polite society, to social striving, upward mobility, and making good impressions. I am radically honest, sensitive, brilliant, and blunt. I hold up a mirror to the best and worst facets of human life.” ~Vajrayogini
Read MoreThe Suffering Virus ; A Reflection
“The problem with suffering is that it is a contagious mental virus. Ive witnessed we do choose to translate pain, into suffering. And that we dont have to. We can see it all as our lesson for that moment, and not take it personally. However, like any virus, the idea To suffer, morphs with the…
Read MoreThe Elf and the Princess ; a Reflection
It aint exactly my life story… But its happened more than once. “lol. I know right…. in walks the cute elf boy. Swoops up the fancy of the young princess. She excitedly runs into the forest to play with me. As we get close she realizes things are not quite what they seemed before. I…
Read MoreDiscipline / Instinct / Mastery ; TidBit
…Aussin addressing a debate over which was the “better” way to train Tantric sexual energy moving practices. A) Using the Will, muscle contractions, and visualization, to direct the energy through specific channels, orbits, organs, or create other desired results. B) Relaxing and being consciously aware of the natural flow of the energies. Letting them move,…
Read MoreIllumIKnight & Friends is super excited about Festival season 11
Its almost late spring again. Which means costuming, crafting, plotting, and planning. Another year of finding ways to reach the public with the Awesome Wisdoms, Skills, and Chi that we have been working so hard to cultivate. Each IllumIKnight has there own way of Ministering their gifts to the world, and Summer is where most…
Read MoreWelcome fellow Illumiknights! Content needed
This website needs content from you! Yes you! Write about something! Make art! I cannot read your minds (yet), so lets have a discussion about what kind of content we want to have here, and create something.
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