One Description of ILLUMIKNIGHT
Illumiknight Statement ( oldest draft)
Illuminkinght is a collective of dedicated people who are combining their energy, knowledge, labor, time, resources, and most of all, love, in the interest of presenting concepts, products, and experiences to the public.
These concepts, products, and experiences will take many diverse forms; but all of our presentations are specifically designed to be fun, educational, healthy, creative, inspirational, and sustainable.
Illumiknight harnesses the wisdoms of educators, healers, artists, musicians, farmers, yogis, trades folk, business folk, and athletes to reach its goal of presenting services which will help people towards becoming their best – all while having a great time.
One of the ideas which Illumiknight is founded on is that “People generally learn better, when they enjoy what, and how, they are learning.”
Through projects based in intelligent artistic expression, Illumiknight learns, shares, and teaches practically applicable solutions to modern and age-old dilemmas in the areas of ecological sustainability, human health, fitness and nutrition, personal and community interactions, and human, civil and animal rights.
Illumiknight as an organization, and its members as individuals, are committed to consistently furthering their own educations, and in improving on their skills. Personal development is a cornerstone in the success of Illumiknight, and it is understood that to be a great teacher, one must also be a great student.
Members of Illumiknight focus on attending various classes throughout the weeks on and off the clock. Training is tracked for personal reflection, as well as for company accountability. These systems insure that the company and its members are as ready, and as possible, to be of appropriate service when a need arises.
In addition to running the curriculum, presenting the shows, and distributing the products, Illumiknight lends its energies to be of service where people are in need. Helping provide food for, and raise the spirits of people who were homeless or displaced by Hurricane Katrina is one example of how we lent a hand.